Category Archives: Uncategorized

Basic Rights of Being Human (and Canadian in Particular)

By birth right, I am Canadian. One that has yet to leave the continent, but one whom lacks residency requirements for basic Canadian benefits- like healthcare. How that makes sense, I’m not really sure. I live and work, study, play, and volunteer here, 90% of the time- the other 10% has been spent getting to know our neighbours, the United States of America.

I’ve been trotting around this little continent for nearly five years now, it never seems to get old. I always find a unique place  which is unlike the rest. The explorations are endless, so long as you get off your butt and go. Every place has people who teach you something new, or offer a perspective you hadn’t thought of- if you remain open to it, of course.

Truth be told though, I’ve maybe touched 10% (random toss of a number. Either way, it’s pretty miniscule) of the ground in my own backyard. Yet, it feels like I’ve been across the globe. I know people from anywhere and everywhere, all walks of life; homeless, rich, and middle class climbing bums; from Switzerland, Japan, Spain, and Mexico. It’s pretty dang cool.

Since I’ve been studying, working, and trying my best to make (at least) yearly visits to my family, I’ve been keeping my travels semi-local. That’s a handful to manage on it’s own, I can promise you that. Nevermind trying to manage my well-being on top of that (climbing- duh), and dreaming of the places I want to go.

I’ve volunteered en route, and have filled my time with activities I am passionate for, as well as ones which help me grow as an individual. Opportunities to work along my career objectives, while expanding my skills in the general working field, have also crossed my path (and continue to.) Yet, all of what I have said is being jeopardized due to formality issues.

You see, I am sitting at home, sick, without the opportunity to see a doctor, with an injured foot that won’t be x-rayed. That’s a basic right, is it not? It is illegal to live in my van (an address is necessary for a license), and student loans go to those who are located- without being a student- for two years, in one place. Two more issues that complicated my life enormously.

My life, is different than the average joe, perhaps. But then there are plenty like me out there. I mean, we had a “gypsy van crew”, and a “McDonald’s dirtbag crew”. That’s two very different crowds of people living like me, in one small town. We all have jobs- that are a hassle to get and maintain- but we do it. For instance, I was supposed to work today, but couldn’t. Why? Because I couldn’t get a doctor to look at my foot for under $1000, or to sign a piece of paper telling me to be careful.

So please, don’t tell me it’s a lack of contribution to society. I don’t make a lot of money, because often I do the jobs that no one else will do- like working for non-profit organizations. There are times where I volunteer, and times where I buy homeless men coffee with the last toonie to my name. I go to school when I can, and I am a family girl as often as possible.

Travel, is simple. It is breathtaking, eye-opening, and quite awakening. It is lessons learned, continuously. Ones that are re-taught to those in our homelands, or passed on to others we meet on our journey.

The rigid structure of civilized society? Well that, is another story. These ridiculous laws, like the ones against living in a van, are de-humanizing. My person needs to be set free to see who she is, in order to be the highest product to society that she possibly can.

Humans may need structure, but we need structure which allows our spirit to move; a structure that allows us to grow as humans, to experience our full potential, and to share it with everyone we meet. Otherwise, we fail to be human- a trait which is unique to each and every one of us. 

I was hoping to begin journeying abroad this Spring, but it has me wondering what the government will have in store upon returning to this native land…of the strong and free. I mean, if I can’t travel across North America, what sort of consequences will they give me for coming home to tell them all their travel advisories are lies, and they are equally as corrupt as anywhere else in the world? How hard will they try to suppress me from teaching kids to expand their minds, to go out and play, and to give them strength to become anyone or anything that they want to be?

All I know, is that I am trying to do the best that I can do, the best that I know how. Be anyone else, and I fail to fulfill my duties to the world I was gifted, and to the life I was blessed with. That’s what it’s all about right?

For now, I’ve left it to the lawyers to sort out my residency issues and help me find healthcare (pretty sure not having it is illegal as well, but could be making that up.) Amongst other sortings that need to be dealt with…

I couldn’t tell you the answer to solving the world’s issues, but maybe you can tell me? Or maybe we can all just spread a little love, and care for one another. Freely.

Roads and Highways; Words and Language

In the forest and the desert…

When in search of some miscellaneous trail, you’ll often hear people, “looking for the road.” It means we are looking for earth that has been marked by animal footprints prior to our own.

If that road happens to be two person wide, it’s probably a highway to a point of significant interest- a viewpoint to take a bearing, or a river to fill water, perhaps.

But here…

A road is earth that has been manipulated and placed in predetermined locations, planned by the conscious human mind, to serve the human race.

A highway may consist of two or four lanes, or it may consist of sixteen. The highway leads to more roads.


a word is just a word, with a direct and simple meaning; but strung together, words have a depth which is virtually unknown. In the end, I’m not so sure words can be accurate in any sort of way.



the streetlights are moonbeams,
the cars waterfalls and forest chatter.                                                                                                                                   

                                                                  When the mountains disappeared,  

                                                                  the speed limit never increased,                                                                       drivers never became more aggressive.

People aren’t rushing here,
their smiles aren’t plastered on for show…

[ I’ve been off living in dreamworld. 
Someone slipped acid in my drink. 

 Nature can’t possibly influence our human, 
the landscape can’t possibly make the person. ]

I must live to be another coffee sold at Starbucks, 
another car whizzing from one Grand Central to the next.

I should work to fill the role,
dress to tell the part.

There is always somewhere to be, 
something to obtain.

No time to pause and see the story unfold. 

If I stop pretending,
I’ll lose my place… 
I’ll fail the race…
Oh no…

Any Direction You Choose

That moment when you realize that you have choice, you can go in any direction you choose? None of them are safe, and every single one will have life changing consequences? The kind you anticipated, but the kind you weren’t ready for. You danced around the idea, touched the limits, and retreated back to your safety net for a better day?

Then Bam! it’s there. Right in front of you.

You can run away still. Back to where you came from, safe and sound. You have a choice, you always have a choice.

You know that…

But somewhere along the line, you learned that safety isn’t real. There are no guarantees to anything. You can plant comforting ideas in your mind if you want to, but you know that believing in fairytales is only a distraction from reality.

So you have a choice, you can go in any direction you choose…
You can finally break free from the boundaries you’ve made, if you want to.You can stay. Or you can  go back to where you came from too.

 It’s completely up to you.

This isn’t something that can be put into words, there is no rhyme or reason. It’s just life unfolding, and you either do what you love or you don’t. Some will understand, and some won’t.

Some will disagree, they’ll have every bit of better advice for you. Even fewer will believe in you, and even less will support youSome will guilt trip you for leaving them out of the equation, some will become inspired, and others just won’t give a damn.

That’s just what happens when you go the direction you choose.

Let your Being Be

                            Do what sets your spirit free,
Let the world dance to the sound of your soul.

                                        Let your being be.

Listen with your heart,                                                                    Speak with your touch.

                       Let the silence take you where you need be.


Notice the trickery of your mind,
Fear is fighting trust.

Let go.

Watch your awareness tickle your senses alive,
See your light ignite inside.

Feel it.

Let your perception evolve,
Your intuition grow.

Do what sets your spirit free,
Let the world dance to the sound of your soul.                       Let your being be.