I Am a Human

I am a human.
I love my dog,
and my Mom and Dad too.
I have big dreams,
and celebrate small accomplishments.
My siblings are my best friends.

I’ve had struggles I never thought I’d make it through,
and feats that completely surprised me.
There are things I could have done without doing,
but those things let me do all I am currently doing.
I never am quite sure,
if it’s regret or high five worthy.

What matters in the end,
is that I am a human-
one of billions of humans-
one species of billions of species-
and a person changing the world with every breath I take.
Rules of mediocrity are suddenly unapplicable,
when you realize you have an impact like that.

If you are reading this,

you are probably human too.
You are the product of love,
gifted with life.
You are capable of anything you want to,
meant to accomplish all you can dream of.


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