The Traveller

I’ve been in a car for the past day- I left a place that changed me forever- and I went back to a place that stayed the same… It’s all but a standard day from the traveller’s perspective.

We wander between places looking to learn and grow; we aspire to discover new things about ourselves and the world we live in. And we do so on a constant basis.

Familiar places are never really a thing, because we never are the same person we were when we left. And unfamiliar places seem to have a ring, like a good friend calling you out for a dinner date.

The traveller lives in some paradoxical world…
We never really fit; we spend our lives being strangers everywhere that we go.

Sometimes, we want to step back- we want to know what it’s like to have the comforts of a roof over our head and showers of regularity. We want to remember what it’s like to spend time with the people that we love, and to have some sort of routine in our lives.

But then we get a calling,
and once again we must go.

Despite our well practiced improv skills, we never really know where it is that we are going- never mind why. We simply make up a story that satisfies the needs of the inquisitive mind; because we know that an inquisitive mind will never truly understand where we are headed anyway.

It’s a gut feeling; a deep attunement to the world; an acceptance of the unknown, that guides us on our way.

If you wish to understand, you’ll have to open your heart and let go of everything you ever thought you knew:

You’ll have to believe that we know nothing
that we are minuscule creatures in an infinite universe.
You’ll have to believe that fate is real and that love is everything.

If you want to understand, you’ll have to believe in the possibility of magic. 

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