There just isn’t a title for beautiful…


I got a job.
Instead of a handshake,
we hugged.
I hugged so many people.
Some I met for 30 seconds,
and some I’ve known for 30 days,
but most were new to me.


I stood on the highway,
for less than two minutes,
when two cars stopped,
seconds a part,
to pick me up.
They even waited,
to make sure communication was straight,
and I had a ride in the direction I was headed.


I met some new friends,
and probably had the most wholesome hitch yet.
I think I have a friendly coffee date ahead.

They drove me home to the van,
which I’ve left unlocked,
parked in random locations,
like on a highway pull out,
for over two weeks.
The keys have been in the vehicle,
accessible for anyone who wants them.


I found the van was still the van,
with the same old mess.
Daniel, who I do not know,
broke in,
and left a Tim Card in my cup holder.

He also told me to call if there ever was an emergency,
to which I felt,
was a genuine note. 


When I tried to drive away,
I learned my tire was beyond flat.
Some random man waved me down.
He wanted to make sure I realized what was happening,
as I ricocheted through the parking lot.
We exchanged smiles, 
and I laughed at the situation I was finding myself.

Life really is a matter of perspective.
Choose to see good,
and good you will see.
Choose to love,
and love you will receive.
Live and love and laugh,
appreciate all the beauty too.
Trust such currency,
and it will surely find you.

Maybe I am crazy,
but this trend has yet to fail me.
I’d rather be locked  up in a nut house,
than believe any differently.

was the kind of day,
which played the truth before me.

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