The Heron

Over breakfast this morning,

the heron told me, “You are not the one who needs a reality check,” and she flew away… maybe she walked, maybe she swam. To be honest, I’m not actually sure how she left- all I know is that she was there, and then she wasn’t.

The fact I heard the heron speak as my breath fell in rhythm with the Earth, told me this was real. I wasn’t believing any of it. That’s when the birds started to sing- for the first time all week. The lake began to shift it’s colour from a murky brown to pretty shades of blue and green.

Suddenly my coffee altered it’s flavour; and I knew I could no longer deny the processes taking place… 

“My coffee! Are you kidding me?” is all I thought.

Stories are stories, fables and fairytales, until they become reality. Reality, a subjective experience,  is a mere creation of the mind. Spirit though, Spirit knows the Truth from the depth of both her heart and ours.

The Change, a paradigm shift in humanity, is no longer a prophecy- it is taking place. The Blue Heron knows, she told me so.

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