Game Strategy

is a game,
a cruel battle we all face,
for the same fate in the end-
We die.

Play the game,
or watch from the sidelines,
that’s your choice to make.

But me,
I want to see how far I can go,
I want to see what I am capable of.
I want it all. 

I’ll climb to failure.
Go to bed,
wake up,
and fail some more.
I’ll keep failing,
until I don’t fail anymore.

Life ain’t the lottery,
success isn’t by chance.
Aim for the high score,
even when circumstances,
which dictate it all,
will call the numbers irrelevant,
and your goals,
mean nothing anymore.

Thirty a day,
three hundred a day,
it ain’t nothing until it hits all four.
I’ll have them all.
I’m content and striving,
it’s the best of both worlds.

There are no rules,
there is no right and wrong.
I share my game strategy,
because it works,
not because I think it should be yours.

Life is a game,
it should be fun,
even when,
we all die in the end.
I’ll be laughing to my grave,
and that’s the way I want to go.

Please Don’t Tell Me What I Am


don’t tell me what I Am,
unless you truly know.
I’ve worked hard to get here,
and it’s difficult,
to avoid negative imprints on my soul.

I am not perfect.
My verbal skills are rather low,
and often,
my writing has more depth,
than what simple letters,
can show.

My photos,
are pictures from another’s eye,
and rarely of my own.
And sometimes,
I do what I do to get by,
rather than what’s true,
to the person that I Am.

See me in my laugh,
in my smile and my tears.
Feel me in my hug,
and when I miss you dear.
Our spirits speak a language,
far different from our minds;
that is who I Am,
consciousness set aside.

being wrong,
and Being wrong,
are very different things;
Help me with the first,
but the second is my best;
And I’m the only one,
who can heal the person that I Am.


Gone to Make Some Money

I’ve gone to go make some money.

Yes, I just said that.

I’m not actually anti-money; I’m not an anarchist. I just think, there isn’t a reason to buy tarps from Wal-Mart when forests are littered with them, and locally owned thrift shops have tons. I think my pants from a dumpster, just saved me $10, avoided excess waste, and just gave the soup kitchen piles of vegetables instead. I also think my footwear, acquired through a friendly exchange, was much more productive than buying cheap ones that’ll just be in the garbage in another month anyway.

I also watch people admire my life, when the only reason they aren’t doing the shit they wanna do is because their car is too nice for personal maintenance, and they waste thousands of dollars instead. Then they cry that they can’t do the things they dream of.

Anyway, I just think money isn’t an excuse. There is always a way to do whatever the hell you want, if you want it bad enough. You also have all the necessities you need  in order to carry your human to the places she or he needs to go. I promise, if you stop thinking you need new shoes, and just drive somewhere cool instead, you’ll be pleased.

Experiences are more valuable than objects, and I like to live that motto the best that I can. Which, is why I am finally going to go make some money. I want a little more on the experience level, and it’s time to enter new terrain.

Since it seems, in order to make any sort of decent money, in decent time (because time is precious), you must choose the lesser of the evils- so it is, treeplanting I go. I’ll take part in masking the devastation of deforestation, I guess. At least it’s trying to do better, right? At least it’ll provide me with what I need for the next step in my life goals while still racking in another positive experience with like-minded people. Finding the good in everything takes a little work, but is so worth the effort.

Sending love galore, and vibes of beauty and appreciation all around. x0x

There just isn’t a title for beautiful…


I got a job.
Instead of a handshake,
we hugged.
I hugged so many people.
Some I met for 30 seconds,
and some I’ve known for 30 days,
but most were new to me.


I stood on the highway,
for less than two minutes,
when two cars stopped,
seconds a part,
to pick me up.
They even waited,
to make sure communication was straight,
and I had a ride in the direction I was headed.


I met some new friends,
and probably had the most wholesome hitch yet.
I think I have a friendly coffee date ahead.

They drove me home to the van,
which I’ve left unlocked,
parked in random locations,
like on a highway pull out,
for over two weeks.
The keys have been in the vehicle,
accessible for anyone who wants them.


I found the van was still the van,
with the same old mess.
Daniel, who I do not know,
broke in,
and left a Tim Card in my cup holder.

He also told me to call if there ever was an emergency,
to which I felt,
was a genuine note. 


When I tried to drive away,
I learned my tire was beyond flat.
Some random man waved me down.
He wanted to make sure I realized what was happening,
as I ricocheted through the parking lot.
We exchanged smiles, 
and I laughed at the situation I was finding myself.

Life really is a matter of perspective.
Choose to see good,
and good you will see.
Choose to love,
and love you will receive.
Live and love and laugh,
appreciate all the beauty too.
Trust such currency,
and it will surely find you.

Maybe I am crazy,
but this trend has yet to fail me.
I’d rather be locked  up in a nut house,
than believe any differently.

was the kind of day,
which played the truth before me.

Life of a Gyspy

Some recent time ago (I’ve lost track of time entirely) I drove 4,000 km from one home to another, with no real destination in mind… just a general vicinity of 944, 735km squared (British Columbia bound.) Now I’m here, and have been for a month? Almost two, I think. I’m no further on putting my human in one location. I’ve reached maximum nomad status.

Recently I’ve been hopping on and off ships, from Vancouver Island to the Mainland, like it’s a casual thing to do. Like leaving my van at some random pull off on the highway- so I can cross the ocean and hitchike down an island twice the size of Japan- is a little commute. This mini trip is all so I can do a few dishes in exchange for food, enabling me to paddle and hike somewhere new. Then I’ll hop back to familiar territory, and fall in love with the old familiar ocean inlets and granite monoliths of the Sea to Sky Corridor, only to miss the new home I found across shore.

Every now and again, I find a little cash work, and hear back in regards to more “permanent” opportunties. Some would send me up to the bush of Northern B.C, chucking trees in holes for a few pennies each. Others have had me scrub toilets in places I’d love to be, and some opportunities sprout up, doing casual work in my returning home of Squamish, B.C.

From a third party view, I’d wonder what this girl is really up to. Why is she using her life the way she’s using her life?

I weigh the pros and cons of each. I consider the student loans, the half finished courses, and all the places I need to be. I consider the jobs I want to do, the ones I need to do and should do. Then the thinking drives me mad, and I just do what feels  right. Suddenly I’m floating high on Cloud 9 with more positive opportunities than I can fit in this tiny little  life of mine.

Sunshine and wildflowers everywhere I go.
That’s why I do what I do.

And now that I’ve confused you all the more, I’ll let you know in simple terms, that I’ve been chillin’ in Squamish and back to Strathcona Park Lodge. Most of you outdoorsy people will know, but to the rest of you, these are just a few more magical places you should probably go. They’ve got a way of curing the soul, while pointing you in the direction you need to go.

Laughter is constantly on overflow,
and I’m not sure what else is better to live for…

Money has it’s place, but love really is what makes you rich.
All of this has become engraved in my gypsy soul