Appreciation for the Journey

Well, this week may be the start of a new chapter, or it may not. I’m not quite sure how it’ll work out from here because once again, things haven’t gone as planned.

But I’ll tell you how, in the past month I have paddled over 100km down the North Saskatchewan River and hiked over 140km through the Rocky Mountains. I have gotten to know about two dozen wonderful teenage girls, and have had the opportunity to help guide each one during a pivotal life stage.

I have seen sites that few people will ever see, and I have experienced the majestic visit of a wild wolf over breakfast. I have finally started picking up my guitar again, and I have spent significant time in meditation at high altitudes.

I gave up some of the things I love most and I set aside the things civilization was asking of me. Internet access became a luxury and a cell phone became a foreign object. Showers are saved for celebratory occasions, and laundry has become overrated.

I have laughed out of pure joy, and sent it on a contagious spree- leading to a severe case of life appreciation by everyone around. I encouraged others in discovering new perspectives, and quiet time to take it all in. And personally, I have learned to see the beauty of this world from a whole new perspective, raising myself to a new level in the spiritual realm.

Let’s just say, it’s been another journey for the books. Only this time, I got paid to do it. I got paid to live and learn; explore, share, and love with everything I have.

That’s what I call a job.

For now though, my dog has called me back to her and only life knows where we’ll end up next.


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